Choose a Home Inspector With Experience

Choose a Home Inspector With Experience

Hire Clear Code Home Inspections of Vernon, CT

The owner and founder of Clear Code Home Inspections worked in the construction industry for more than a decade and knows exactly how a house should be built from the ground up. This allows our team to provide a high quality, meticulous inspection that gives you a clear idea of the quality of your home. We inspect your Vernon, Connecticut property from the top down and provide an electronic report with photos and explanations as to the state of the property within 36 hours of our visit!

You'll make an informed decision on a future home purchase when you have one of our detailed inspection reports. You'll also be more knowledgeable on the state of your current dwelling and receive recommendations to best deal with potential issues.

Proudly providing full home inspections in Vernon, Connecticut and the surrounding area

When it's time for a home inspection, Vernon residents know they can count on the professionals at Clear Code Home Inspections. We provide a number of residential inspection services to concerned area homeowners, including:

•Real estate inspections
•Mold testing
•Radon testing
•Water testing
•Wood boring insect testing
•Basement inspections

Know what you're in for when it comes to the state of your home. Call Clear Code Home Inspections today!